26 de maio de 2015

613 Mitzvot


  1. To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6)
  2. Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal (Ex. 20:3)
  3. Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16)
  4. To hallow G-d's name (Lev. 22:32)
  5. Not to profane G-d's name (Lev . 22:32) (CCN155).
  6. To know that G-d is One, a complete Unity (Deut. 6:4) 
  7. To love G-d (Deut. 6:5) (CCA3).
  8. To fear Him reverently (Deut. 6:13; 10:20) 
  9. Not to put the word of G-d to the test (Deut. 6:16)
  10. To imitate His good and upright ways (Deut. 28:9)