8 de junho de 2015

613 Mitzvot

The Poor and Unfortunate

  1. Not to afflict an orphan or a widow (Ex. 22:21)
  2. Not to reap the entire field (Lev. 19:9; Lev. 23:22) (negative)
  3. To leave the unreaped corner of the field or orchard for the poor (Lev. 19:9) (affirmative)
  4. Not to gather gleanings (the ears that have fallen to the ground while reaping) (Lev. 19:9) (negative)
  5. To leave the gleanings for the poor (Lev. 19:9) (affirmative)
  6. Not to gather ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard (Lev. 19:10) (negative)
  7. To leave ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10; Deut. 24:21) (affirmative)
  8. Not to gather the peret (grapes) that have fallen to the ground (Lev. 19:10) (negative)
  9. To leave peret (the single grapes) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10) (affirmative)
  10. Not to return to take a forgotten sheaf (Deut. 24:19) This applies to all fruit trees (Deut. 24:20) (negative)
  11. To leave the forgotten sheaves for the poor (Deut. 24:19-20) (affirmative)
  12. Not to refrain from maintaining a poor man and giving him what he needs (Deut. 15:7)
  13. To give charity according to one's means (Deut. 15:11)