Hermann Fliesswasser
Hermann Fliesswasser was born in Krzeszow, Poland in 1900. He was a
merchant and married Nycha nee Kramkimel. Prior to WWII he lived in
Stralsund, Germany. During the war he was in Brussels, Belgium. Hermann was murdered in the Shoah (Auschwitz, 1942).
Nycha Flieswasser
Nycha Flieswasser nee Kramkimel was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1895 to
Chaim and Ruchla. She was a housewife and married Herman. Prior to WWII
she lived in Stralsund, Germany. During the war she was in Brussels,
Belgium. Nycha was murdered in the Shoah (Auschwitz, 1942).
Cilly Fliesswasser
Cilly Fliesswasser was born to Hermann. She was a child. Prior to
WWII she lived in Stralsund, Germany. During the war she was in
Bruxelles, Belgium. Cilly was murdered in the Shoah (Auschwitz, 1942). This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed above).