27 de agosto de 2013


(Karl Hocker)


Distribuição de muçulmanos (actualmente)


Samaritan high priest Yitzhak ben Amram  ben Shalma ben Tabia (circa 1900)


3. "The Dark Ages" (cont.) (Yale, Prof. Donald Kagan)

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tel Dan Stele

1'. [ ]...[ ] and cut [ ]
2'. [ ] my father went up [ ] he fought at [...]
3'. And my father lay down; he went to his [fathers]. Now the king of I[s]/rael had penetrated
4'. into my father's land before. [But then] Hadad made me king,
5'. And Hadad marched before me. So I went forth from [the] seven[...]/s
6'. of my rule, and I killed [seve]nty kin[gs] who had harnessed thou[sands of cha]/riots
7'. and thousands of cavalry. [And I killed ...]ram son of [...]
8'. the king of Israel, and I killed [...]yahu son of [... the ki]/ng of
9'. the House of David. And I made [their towns into ruins and turned]
10'. their land into [a desolation ...]
11'. others and [...Then...became ki]/ng
12'. over Is[rael...And I laid]
13'. siege against [...]

 (tradução do aramaico)

Robert Alter

"The Pleasure & Perils of Translating the Bible"
